More money in your pocket: A tax break for all Canadians
Backgrounder November 21, 2024 The government can’t set prices at the checkout, but we can give Canadians more money in their pockets. To help them buy the things they need and save for the things they want, the government announced that it will be introducing legislation in Parliament that would provide for a two-month Goods […]

Ontario Ministry of Finance – 2024 Interest Rates

Canadian Indirect Taxes Out Of The Box

Finding Refunds, Paying Too Much Tax

Why Your Supplier Just Charged Tax Again Even Though You Paid Tax at the Border

How to Recognize if Your Tax Department is Operating With a Poverty Mindset

Minor Tax Errors Add Up Quickly

Reliance On Auditors Can Have You Paying More Tax Than You Need To

Tax Implications & Updates During COVID-19

Alberta 19/20 Budget Announced
Alberta announced its 2019/20 budget on October 24. Here are the major commodity tax changes proposed. Tourism Levy Short-term rentals (STRs) offered through online marketplaces, such as Airbnb, HomeAway, and Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO), are an increasingly popular accommodation option in Alberta. While the province applies a tourism levy of 4 percent on most […]

FinTech in the Indirect Tax World—What is all the fuss about?
It’s everywhere- get ready for FinTech. Fintech is going to take your job. Really? Indirect Tax? Does that even have anything to do with FinTech? The common definition of FinTech is that it refers to a range of financial technologies that enable consumers to access financial services over their mobile phones or the internet. While […]

BC Budget 2018
It’s that time of year again. Government budget season is upon us. BC is the second province to bring down a budget this year. The focus of their budget was child care, affordable housing and services. There was some provincial sales tax (PST) changes announced to help fund these initiatives. BC imposes a tax on […]

RITCs- It’s almost over!

In our last post, we told you about the PST rate increase that happened on March 23, 2017. In announcing this increase, Saskatchewan outlined two other dates that you need to be aware of. APRIL 1, 2017 Effective April 1, 2017, chances are the value of a trade-in will not deductible from the purchase price […]

Saskatchewan PST Surprise!

BC PST: A Picture is worth 1000 Words, but can it prove Delivery?

HST Rate Cut, A Case of Misdirection?

Thankful for the PEI HST Rate Increase?

BHA Newsletter: Help your Firm Find Money Today

Hidden Canadian Sales Taxes making your airline tickets more expensive?
If you have ever taken a close look at your airline tickets did you spot the Canadian Sales Taxes? What you may have noticed was a series of numbers and two letter codes that really don’t tell you anything unless you know what the codes mean. If you are traveling throughout Canada, recoverable taxes will […]

When is the Ontario Sales Tax Holiday?

Ontario HST To Apply to New Carbon Tax

What is Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax?
Canadian HST or Harmonized Sales Tax is a combination of the federal GST and provincial PST imposed in 5 of the 13 provinces and territories in Canada. The rate of HST varies between 13% -15% and applies on most goods and services supplied in the participating provinces. Currently, the following provinces impose an HST: Ontario, New […]

What is Canadian Sales Tax?

Canadian Sales Tax Rates
Canadian Sales Tax Rates include a Federal GST which is included in all the HST rates in Canada, only Alberta, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut charge the Federal tax alone. The Provinces of Ontario, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI charge an HST rate, Quebec charges a QST rate separately with the […]

Ontario Restricted Input Tax Credits Move to 50% Restriction

Tax Education, One of the Ingredients in our Success

Newfoundland HST, Transitional Rules for HST Increase Released

New Brunswick HST Rate Increase Transitional Rules

Indirect Tax Highlights from the Federal Budget 2016
It’s that time of year again. The federal budget 2016 has been announced. I watched it…I thought for sure that the Liberal government would actually want to increase government revenues to help pay for the all the things that they promised. And I thought, a GST rate increase was the way that they would do […]